Tanganyika Environmental Conservation and Youth Organisation
Forest Zone School

Because of the new regulations for the recognition of schools, the Forest Zone School is operated since 2017 only as a kindergarten with integrated preschool. Unfortunately, the space on the school grounds was not big enough to build a neccessary 4th classroom. But the function as a meeting place for children and youthes living in this poor Forest Zone Area is preserved. Two very dedicated teachers, Letitia and Amina, take care of each morning around. 60 children aged 3 - 7 years. Visiting this facility is free for all children, including the daily small meal they receive at the school every day.
How all began

The region around Mangula is a very poor and rural area. Many families have only little money, because most people only work as helpers in agriculture.
This is the reason why in 2008 we founded the nonprofit organization "Kilombero Youth Movement Against Poverty", to help the poorest children in the area around Mang'ula.
Objectives of our activities are mainly:
to offer education and training to poor children and youth
to give assistance in the initiation and implementation of small projects that improve the lives of children and young people (or families) in the region around Kilombero.
Particularly the promotion of young unemployed people (boys and girls) is one of them. Therefore, for example, we have, Teaching English and computer courses, or training in sustainable organic agriculture, as well as courses for learning simple techniques for honey beekeeping, also sewing courses, or courses to learn how to repair bicycles for young people from Mang'ula.
Promotion of education / or training is the best support for children and young people especially in areas like ours. Hopefully this could help our youth to learn how they can help them self in their life.
With all of these projects and actions we support especially young people from our region in their development.
In 2008, two members of KYMAP founded a small free and independent school in which the children who come primarily from a very poor residential area, have to pay no school fees, not need to wear a school-uniform and whenever possible daily the children get served a little food. At this time the lessons however were usually held outdoors because we had no school building.
Therefore, we were very happy when we got in contact with a small group of youth from the Naturprotecting Group: NAJU Weil der Stadt in 2009. They supported us to build up the first two classrooms. Anne Mäckelburg and her family sponsored the money for the land and the first 2 school buildings.
Since these new small school was built up at the border of the rain forest and this district in which it is located is called Forest Zone, the School was called Forest School Zone School.
Since then with our partners “NAJU Weil der Stadt” we created and started many other small projects (see homepage of Naturschutzjugend Weil der Stadt), thank you for that.
The Naturschutzjugend Weil der Stadt helped us to create a school garden, carry out various courses in organic farming and courses in honey beekeeping. Even some honey bee hives and beekeeping equipment were provided to us.